︎ Shop collection

Mar de arena lejana.
Reino del astro encendido.
Solo el viento es intruso tras las huellas de tus pies.
Piel fresca caminando ilusa por los ojos de color de cielo.

Oasis de labios humedecidos.
Andar difuso en ritmo suave que navega entre dunas vanas.
Barca mecida sin oleaje en ese mar ardiente y salado donde las prendas vuelan y aire danza entre los hilos.

Poema por Sócrates MK
Mayo 2022


En un páramo desértico de la Baja, surge un encuentro, un espejismo entre dos entes; El subconsciente y la realidad.

Espejismo es una colección en reflexión del subconsciente, una perspectiva de un sueño de la realidad traducida a prendas de seda y lino. El uso del color en las prendas representa un sentimiento interior de los espacios vacíos, la mente caótica pero en silencio, de las preguntas que nos hacemos pero no hay respuestas fijas.

¿Qué somos? ¿Qué hacemos en este lugar llamado Tierra? ¿Acaso la vida es un sueño? o ¿Somos solo una ilusión?

Un agradecimiento enorme a Braulio Lam por su fotografía, video y música, a Laura Huerta y Lucía Gonzales por su talento, a Sacred Scraps por su joyería, a Perro y Arena por sus máscaras de jaguar, y a Sócrates MK por sus palabras poéticas.


In a vast landscape of the desert in Baja California, Mexico,  a mirage of two entities meet each other. The subconscious and reality.

“Espejismo”(Mirage) is a collection in reflection of the subconscious, a perspective from a dream of reality translated into silk garments and silk/linen blends. The use of color in the garments represents the inner feelings one encounters within the mind, a surreal place, where it seems bright, confusing, and dark at the same time. Colors of the vast places, the chaotic yet quiet mind, of the questions left unanswered.

What are we? Why are we in this place called Earth? Are we only an illusion? Is life just a dream?

models: Laura Huerta y Lucía Gonzalez
photograohy - video - music:  Braulio Lam
neck pieces: Sacred Scraps
ceramic jaguar masks: Perro y Arena

modelos: Laura Huerta y Lucía Gonzalez
fotografía - cinematografía - música:  Braulio Lam
collares: Sacred Scraps
máscaras de jaguares: Perro y Arena





︎ isagmdn@gmail.com
︎ @isaguadalupe

︎︎︎Apr. 6, 2025: Beading Workshop
                Sunday Apr. 6 from 1-4:30pm
                Tickets and Info here
    ︎Visions Museum of Textile Art in San Diego, CA


︎︎︎ Jan. 11 - Apr. 26, 2025 : Beaded Echoes: Reflecting the fragility of life
                 Exhibition in San Diego, CA 
                 Opening Reception: January 11 from 10-4pm
    ︎Visions Museum of Textile Art


San Diego, CA:
Mingei Museum

San Francisco, CA:
The Perish Trust


Ciudad de México:

Tepoztlán, Morelos:
Flor del Norte





My name is Isa Guadalupe Medina and I am a designer and artist based in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. My work focuses on the intricacy and detail that is reflected from nature and my roots. The different motifs I create are inspired by feelings that emerge from the rare beauty and constant change of nature. I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Parsons The New School for Design, New York. Since then I have been focusing on creating hand-beaded and woven pieces that explore movement and transcendence of time in relation to the human body/experience.

Artist Statement

Through the years of creating and appreciating art, I realized that what I liked most about it was the process and time it took to create something. When I see a piece of art I wonder about the time, work and thought behind it. It is not just about making something beautiful or interesting but how it makes me feel and how much of my heart goes into it. I learned that loss is something that we all have to deal with at one point in our lives and we have to accept the inevitable. I began to explore with the unpredictable; dissolving materials, garments coming apart, transforming, playing around with the thought that nothing lasts forever, everything is transient. Change and transformation is what I want to explore more through my designs. The excitement and, yet, sadness of watching your creation come apart is what life is all about, constant change.

This is only the beginning of my exploration, the unpredictability of change.

- Isa Guadalupe Medina

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